Vacation Starts Here

myrtle beach resort

Your Oceanfront Family Friendly Destination

Permission to use Copyrighted Materials

The Myrtle Beach Resort Showcase website is managed by the World Wide Web Foundry, LLC. For the purposes of this document the Myrtle Beach Resort Showcase and World Wide Web Foundry, LLC are to be referred to collectively hereinafter as "W3F."

This website contains documents (including product information, help files, articles, etc.), photos, icons, and other copyrighted materials owned by us or our content providers. The following information applies only to materials we own. You must contact the copyright owner for permission to use third party materials.

Do I Need Permission?

You are authorized to view, copy, download, and print for personal use only any copyrighted materials we own that are available on this web site, subject to the following conditions:

  1. The documents may be used solely for personal, noncommercial, and informational purposes. They may not be posted or distributed.
  2. The documents may not be modified.
  3. All copyright and other proprietary notices must be retained in the document.

This permission does not extend to materials owned by other content providers that appear on this web site.

You may not reproduce, copy, or redistribute the design or layout of this website, individual elements of the website design, or our logos without our express written permission.

Permission for Commercial Use

Reproduction, copying, or redistribution for commercial purposes of any materials or design elements on this website is strictly prohibited without our express written permission. Permission is granted only when certain limited criteria are met.

To request such permission please send email to

Please identify your permission request and the website on which it is found by putting in the subject line, e.g. "Permission Request for (enter name of website)."  Include all of the following information in the body of the message:

  1. The content you wish to use and the URL where it is located.
  2. Where and how it will be used (for example, in an Internet use manual, in a newsletter, or in a movie).
  3. Where and how copies will be distributed and to what audience.
  4. How many copies will be produced and distributed.
  5. When you intend to publish, and your deadline for a response (no shorter than 1 week please).
  6. Other materials that will be associated with our content.
  7. Your name, title, company, address, email address, and phone number.

We will need all of the above in order to evaluate your request.

In addition, a mockup of the intended use may be requested by either by sending a file attached to an email (in a format readable with a PC), or by fax. You will be notified if a mockup is needed.

Please expect 7 to 10 days for processing all requests.

We reserve the right to refuse permission to copy, distribute, broadcast, or publish any of our copyrighted material.

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