Vacation Starts Here

myrtle beach resort

Your Oceanfront Family Friendly Destination

Listing Terms and Conditions

An Internet presence can be productive for any business large or small. The popularity of The Myrtle Beach Resort web page makes it the perfect vehicle to showcase rental condos at the resort. Whether it is a previous guest looking for reservations or a new guest seeking fun and sun on the Grand Strand, letting the Internet do the walking is becoming the preferred method of securing accommodations. Our online Availability Calendar makes this website a very powerful tool to showcase your rental condo.  The following information is specific to the condo listings on this website. For the purposes of this document, the site management will be referred to hereinafter as "Webmaster."

To list your condo click on Signup and complete the form.   SIGNUP

Showcase Condo Listing Prices:

2022 RATES
Listing rates will only be offered on a one-year/partial year rate basis, with our memberships ending and needing to be renewed by January 1 of the year following the listing year. Rates are based on the time of the year you join the Showcase.  January 1 thru March 31, $200. April 1 thru May 31 $175. June thru July 31 $150. August 1 thru September 30 $125. October 1 thru December 31, $100.  

All one year renewals are $180.

Multi condo renewals are $165 for each additional condo*.

Listing costs and fees must be paid in advance.

All prices listed are in US dollars. Prices are subject to change without notice.

*   Multi Condo renewals are for owners that own more than one condo. Condos listed in addition to the primary condo are eligible for this discount.

Showcase Condo Listing Terms and Conditions:

You agree to abide by the site Rules of User Conduct, including but not limited to, agreeing to not use this site for any unlawful purpose. You should review the Rules of User Conduct regularly. Click Here to view a copy of the Rules of User Conduct.

Purpose: This web page is to assist condo owners with private rentals, however, because this site is exclusively for the Myrtle Beach Resort, we treat each individual listing as a uniquely identified property available for a vacation rental. This means you cannot use one listing to rent multiple units, and you cannot use one listing to share leads with other owners to rent unlisted units at this resort. All rental requests generated by this website are to be used for your condo only. Request sharing or redirection to other condos not listed on the showcase, to other websites, or to brokers, rental, real estate, or travel agents, is strictly forbidden. Plain and simple, it means the same as it does for all other web-based condo advertising: one listing, one rental opportunity. Failure to comply with this rule will mean your listing will be removed from the website and you will forfeit all monies paid.

No advertising of any kind or links to any other website is permitted.  At no time will you ever have unsolicited advertising appear on your web listing.

Every listing will have a unique web address that can be used in advertising or on business cards. If you advertise availability in the newspaper, you can use your web address to showcase your condo (example: see our condo on the web at WWW.MYRTLEBEACHRESORT.COM/A990).

All reservation requests will be sent to you on a request form that is spam secure. It contains all the pertinent information needed for your rental. The form will be sent directly to the e-mail address you designate when you join our website.

All condo listings must contain a current list of available rental dates and rates. These lists must be kept up-to-date. Failure to keep the Availability Calendar and rental rates updated will result in the removal of your listing and forfeiture of all monies paid. Failure to keep the Availability Calendar updated because of attempts at double booking or booking for other condos, whether owned/managed by you or others, listed on this website or not, will result in the removal of all of your listings on this website and forfeiture of all monies paid.

Descriptions of your condo and amenities must be accurate and true. Listings can contain information and descriptions of your condo only. If you own more than one condo, each must have its own listing. However, if you have more than one condo listed, the Condo Wizard will automatically add a link to each condo you own, in the Rental Information area, on each respective listing page.

Because this website is exclusively for the Myrtle Beach Resort, each property is a uniquely identified vacation rental property. If you own or represent owners of multiple condos at the Myrtle Beach Resort, all of the condos you own or repesent must be listed on our website. If any of your condos at the Myrtle Beach Resort are used solely for personal use, never rented, or are rented on a yearly lease, they do not have to be listed on our website.

The building of mailing lists from e-mails generated by this website for the purpose of mass mailings (spam) is not permitted. E-mailing former customers is not a concern. Mass mailing is, and has been, a source of complaints from people who have visited our site.

All condo listings are entered on the listings page in the order that they were accepted and approved by the Webmaster. Buying, selling, or reassigning a different unit to your listing cannot improve listing position. However, if a condo is sold, the new owner can assume that condo listing position if the old owner chooses to transfer it to the new owner. The old owner has the option of retaining the use of that listing position if the old owner decides to purchase another condo at the resort. If all membership dues are paid and the old owner does not retain the listing, the new owner can asssume the condo membership and any dues paid for that particular condo membership year. Because of our yearly pricing policies, in no case will there be any return of membership fees paid if a condo is sold.

The Webmaster reserves the right to refuse any listing submitted to be entered on the website. We can refuse to publish the listing for any or no reason, and you specifically agree to hold us harmless for any loss or liability that may arise from such a decision.

If any of the terms and conditions of the condo listing are breached, or there are any listing misrepresentations of a condo, or a property is double-booked for multiple renters on the same date, or if owner/agent engages in any business practice that would be considered within the vacation rental industry to be unfair, or if the owner/agent fails to identify that they are an owner/agent and not a representative of the Myrtle Beach Resort, Inc. or the Webmaster during the rental process, the Webmaster reserves the right to remove the offending listing. If a listing is removed, there will be no refund of monies paid. In no event shall the Webmaster be liable to the owner/agent for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages, including lost profits, for any reason.

All new condo listings must fill out the new condo form found on the Signup page.  When the form is submitted, Websites will send the owner a UserID and Password to logon to the Condo Wizard and setup their condo information.  The Condo Wizard is easy to use and self-explanatory.  It has Help pages to guide you if needed. In addition there is a View Condo Page to display your changes.   If you want Websites to do the entire setup for you, however, there is a small charge in addition to the initial setup fee.  Owners must maintain the Availability Calendar themselves. If owners want Websites to do additional maintenance or all maintenance after initial setup and the website is on-line, there are monthly and yearly maintenance agreements available.

Owners MUST update their Myrtle Beach Resort Availability Calendar immediately whenever they commit to a rental whether that rental was generated from our website or from any other source.  That way our available condo search engine will always only display available units.  It will eliminate the unnecessary calls and e-mails that owners get and the frustration that renters have trying to find available condos to rent.  This system also makes it much easier for owners to fill out those open weeks and late cancellations.  If you feel you cannot fulfill this MAJOR requirement of updating the Availability Calendar, please DO NOT JOIN US.

Each year when the new Availability Calendar is released for the upcoming year, all the dates for the new year are by default set to unavailable.   You are required to set the rates and dates for the new year to what you want in order for them to display in the Rates Table, Availability Calendar and be found by the search engine. Condos listings that do not have their dates and rates set for the new year after January 1st can be removed from the listings page, even if their dues for the new year have been paid.

Basically the only thing the Condo Wizard will not let you update is the photo list.  All photos must be sent to us to be entered on your condo listing.  Each photo can be titled and you can have a maximum of eight photos.  All photos must be digital and in .jpg format.  DO NOT sent us photos in photo catalogs/albums, part of a Word.doc or ask us to go to another website to collect them.  Simply attach the photos to an e-mail and send them to us. We will make all corrections to your photos, including resizing, thumbnails and limited retouching.  When taking photos of your condo, be sure to turn off the time/date feature of your camera.  Nothing looks worse on a listing than an old photo.  Your pictures may be perfect for your unit and you may want to use them for an extended length of time.  Date stamps also distract from the focal point of the photo, which is the condo itself.  You will be allowed to add photos at any time to bring your total to eight.  During the membership year you will be allowed to make up to eight photo swaps.  There will be a $5 charge for each photo swap after you reach your limit of 8 swaps. Any photographs containing advertising, proprietary/copyrighted photos or photos containing watermarks from other websites are not permitted. We reserve the right to refuse photographs. Send all photos to

The Condo Description and Additional Information area are limited in size.  Should you exceed the size of these areas, an additional area on another page will be created for the remainder of the text that you have to enter.  If you have information that is not described in one of our preformatted areas you should include that information in your description area.  The Addition Information area is usually used for information on deposits and rental requirements.

Only websites created with our template using the Condo Wizard will be allowed.

Things to Remember:

  • Your will receive a free support to help you become accustom to the Condo Wizard and Wizard updates.
  • You will receive free yearly rate/date help as part of your yearly package.
  • You will be permitted to make eight free photos swaps during the membership year. There will be a $5.00 charge for each photo swap after the first eight.
  • Websites can do maintenance for you at a minimal charge. Maintenance packages are also available.

Send all condo photos to
Be sure to include your condo number with all updates.

In all cases, the Webmaster will be held blameless in any and all disputes arising from the use or misuse of any listing. By using this site, you signify your agreement to all terms, conditions, and notices contained or referenced herein and to the site Terms of Use. If at any time there is a conflict or perceived conflict between the Terms and Conditions of this offering and the site Terms of Use, the Webmaster has the right and the sole discretion to determine if the Terms and Conditions of the Option or Offering will be honored or deferred to the site Terms of Use. The Webmaster is the final arbiter for any/all questions and interpretations of website listing terms and conditions. In all matters the Webmaster's decision is final. Click Here to view a copy of the Terms of Use.

All photos and text used on any listing are the property of the owner/Webmaster and may not be duplicated in any form without permission.

The Terms and Conditions listed herein, the site Terms of Use, and Rules of User Conduct are subject to change without notice. You should read and review these items regularly.

To list your condo click on Signup and complete the form.   Signup

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